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Showing posts from October, 2010

PHP Generate Report - display utf-8 data from MySQL 5

display utf-8 data from MySQL 5 Steps: 0-Language files: pls refer to the help file, I actually copied the english.xml to chinese.xml than change the first two lines: 1-Tools ->Advanced Setting->Character Encoding =utf-8 (Note: NOT utf8!) 2-Tools ->Advanced Setting->MySQL charset =utf8 (Note: NOT utf-8!) 3-Do what you should do and than Generate the files, eg I wanted to display the table "contracts" 4-Go to the root folder find the php files realted with your tables, let say, "contractsrpt.php", use Ultraedit or other software to change the encoding from ASCII to UTF-8. Done!

Ruby on Rails

ติดตั้ง Ruby และ RubyGems $ gem update --system ติดตั้ง Rails $ gem install rails ติดตั้ง Database $ gem install sqlite3-ruby -v 1.2.3 $ gem install mysql สร้างโปรเจค $ rails myprojectname $ cd myprojectname $ ruby script\rails server reference: