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Android: Integrate tinypy into android

Integrate tinypy into Android

For this project you will integrate a stripped down version of Python into the Android distribution.

You can find tinypy here:

# Non-members may check out a read-only working copy anonymously over HTTP.
svn checkout tinypy-read-only
/tinypy$ python tinypy boot math pygame

In addition, to getting tinypy running in the emulator, you will write a small application that allows you to execute small python scripts using tinypy.


- The idea is making Android be able to run python source code.

- Create GUI for accepting an input (some URLs) to run python.

- Clusternode for Jaa => bass17
ssh steelhead, ssh bass7
/home2/pyoophoon/myandroid #root for the src of everything time make # make file and you also see the elapse time on making make -j is run faster????? test it 

- The project/open source can be drop into the distribution tree

- /tools in sdk which is subset of tools in src of myandroid

- Command for copy files that is made
du -sh * # see the size in the path (we should concentrate on the output path -> /myandroid/out/target/product/generic)
tar tvf aimages.tar
df .
make some folder on the local
cp aimages ~/jaatest
scp www:aimages.tar
cp *qemu ~/jaatest (it is located in /prebuild/android-arm/kernel/vmlinux-gemu)
tar xvf ./aimages.tar

- Command for running emulator
which emulator # make sure that file is located 
emulator -system /. # point the system to the folder we made 

- Command for control command on android emulator
telnet localhost 5554 # port that show on emulator vm start vm stop kill 
adb shell
#top # what run on the phone (ctrl C to exit) tinypy should be shown here 

- go to /myandroid/external/ 
- cd ping # see the example of c file - /myandroid/out/target/product/generic/system/bin 
- file ping # show that this can execute on android

tar cvf /home/pyoophoon/cs636/test/aimages.tar ./out/target/product/generic/

cp -R ./prebuilt/android-arm/kernel/*qemu /home/pyoophoon/cs636/test/
cp -R ./out/target/product/generic/*.img /home/pyoophoon/cs636/test/

- try to use openssl : see how it works

- look in /myandroid/delvik/vm/interp

Using screen command
screen # startup
use detach to change to another screen
screen -r # for resume
Google chage the thing in android kernel for the purpose of power management.

build-system.html #it is very interesting document


Shaoting said…
Oh. I thought I found the solution here....

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