Write socket application listen at port 5000 to allow this port on your machine, you have to forward port At server adb forward tcp:5000 tcp:5000 MAC OS X: use Authoxy 3.4 http://www.brothersoft.com/authoxy-download-196371.html and allow other computer to connect WindowXP : use stcppipe.exe -b 5000 5000 Ubuntu: aproxy from http://www.dilledabb.de/projects/aproxy/aproxy-current.tar.gz 1. sudo make install 2. make aproxy folder in "LIBDIR=/usr/local/lib/aproxy" 3. create file .aproxyrc and .aproxyrules as explained in readme In .aproxyrules add the following line $R{5001} = [ "localhost" , 5000 ]; Note: *R is a alias for *Proxy::Config::ForwardRules. You can also write $Proxy::Config::ForwardRules{5001} = [ "localhost" ,5000 ] ; The above line means the following: * setup a listening socket on port 5001 on the local machine. * when a client connects to port 5001 the connection will be forwarded to localhost port 5000. 4. Run ./aproxy.pl .apro...