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Android: forward port

Write socket application listen at port 5000
to allow this port on your machine, you have to forward port

At server
adb forward tcp:5000 tcp:5000

MAC OS X: use Authoxy 3.4
and allow other computer to connect

WindowXP: use stcppipe.exe -b 5000 5000


1. sudo make install

2. make aproxy folder in "LIBDIR=/usr/local/lib/aproxy"

3. create file .aproxyrc and .aproxyrules as explained in readme

In .aproxyrules add the following line
$R{5001} = [ "localhost" , 5000 ];

Note: *R is a alias for *Proxy::Config::ForwardRules. You can also write
$Proxy::Config::ForwardRules{5001} = [ "localhost" ,5000 ] ;
The above line means the following:
* setup a listening socket on port 5001 on the local machine.
* when a client connects to port 5001 the connection will be
forwarded to localhost port 5000.

4. Run
./ .aproxyrc .aproxyrules
#Note: make sure that port 5001 is bind
#Amazon has opened port 5001
#forward port 5000 to 5000 in android
3proxy not work as well:
use 3proxy tiny:
Instruction => and its doc at file:///home/jaaaaa/Desktop/3proxy-0.6/doc/html/howtoe.html#LAUNCH

$make -f Makefile.unix
$proxy -p5000 -ilocalhost

SQUID is just HTTP proxy
use squid
- set http_port in /etc/squid/squid.config e.g. http_port 5000
- set visible_hostname in /etc/squid/squid.config e.g. visible_hostname localhost
- restart: sudo /etc/init.d/squid restart

List port open: sudo lsof -i -P

To set the ssh tunnel at client
ssh -L 4444:localhost:4444 jaaaaa@

Note: For Amazon EC2-> need to add that port in the group
Kill port adb listening
1. kill adb => adb kill-server
2. restart squid


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